Pärnu maantee 160e, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Tallinna linn, Estonia
160h Pärnu maantee
Harju maakond
Kaisa: “I have created a full Pilates studio in Tallinn for to offer best possible Pilates workouts for anybody willing to live better life or become a Pilates teacher. Our staff is full of positive energy, will to help others learn movement and passionate about Joseph Pilates’ work. Everyone is welcome!”
First and Last Name
Kaisa Marran Pilates Studio
Short Description
Classical Pilates full studio; Corpus Pilates http://www.corpusstudios.com teacher training representative in Estonia; close to Tallinn city center.
Pilates Training School
Other (please name below)
Other Pilates Training, CEUs or Workshops that you have taken
CorpusStudios Pilates Teacher Training, Lolita PMMP
Classes/Sessions offered
Reformer, Mat, Mixed Apparatus, Tower
Teacher Training Provider
CorpusStudios Pilates studio comprehensive Teacher Training
Teacher Training Offered link