You’ve finally made it. You passed your certification test, paid your dues working at a studio or gym, and now you’re finally teaching for yourself. You’re super stoked to be able to share your Pilates genius with the masses. The only problem: there’s not a client in sight in your classes or in your studio. You’re fresh out of favors to coerce your bff’s to get their butts on the mat and standing on the corner with flyers is just getting you an elbow in the side. What’s a talented, capable, bad-ass Pilates instructor to do? Market like your life depends on it, because it does…
No clue how to market yourself and selling makes you wanna puke a little in your mouth? I’ve got your back. Here are three ways you can boost the butts in your class or studio:
Know who digs you most
First things first. If you don’t have a clear picture of who you’re marketing to your efforts are lost on the masses. Get clear on who your ideal client is by asking yourself these three basic questions:
- What do my favorite most loyal clients have in common? (If you don’t already have clients imagine what your client might be like) Be as specific as possible.
- What does this person do for fun? What do they eat? What kinds of books, music, art, movies, or books do they read?
- What is the problem that you can solve for them with your class or sessions. HINT: the deeper you go into their psyche the better. Pro marketers call this your prospects “pain-point”. What is paining them enough that they will actually make the steps to make a change?
Find where your clients are
Once you know who you’re marketing to and what they like to do outside of the Pilates studio you can start to formulate ways to reach them where they already are. Do they like to eat healthy? Maybe you can do a demo or Q & A at your local health food store? Do they often give to a local charity? Maybe you can donate a session class or two to get noticed and attract someone who will continue after the freebie.
Get them to join your tribe, then gain their trust
Once you’ve encountered your ideal client in their natural habitat and have their attention, you want to keep it. Make sure to gather email addresses wherever you go and through your website so you can stay in touch. Post regularly to social media and even think about guest blogging for a publication online or off that your ideal client might read. The key here is to share your expertise and give high value content away for FREE so that they think, “wow, if this is for free what more will I get when I pay?” Remember that trust takes time so be patient and consistent.
There’s no one secret to successful marketing, which means you need to do it often and test, test, test. Try something and see how it works, then tweak it accordingly. Don’t wait until your classes are full of tumble weeds to try and attract more clients. ALWAYS be marketing. That will ensure a steady stream of prospects and boost your numbers long term. Take a breath. Get ready to run steady. Marketing is a marathon and not a sprint, but there are big rewards at that finish line.
Lindsay Lopez is a dynamic force of nature. Years in tutus and tights paid off with wild success as a dancer and actress. Years in the “biz” taught her that dreams can come true, with plenty of planning and TONS of action to back them up. After what had become ten years in the Pilates industry her devotion shifted from the bodies in front of her to the teachers educating next to her instead. Although Lindsay teachers less and less, she is breathing new life into a stale industry. Her wish is to provide her peers with the business training they so desperately need. As a positive coach and gutsy mentor, Lindsay Lopez is changing Pilates business for the better at