By Patti Jo Amerein
Because people want to hear what you have to say!
With nearly every single person on the planet getting their information online, it’s essential that you have a great website. And part of that great website is a great blog page.
Think of your blog page as the soul of your website. It’s your creative space. A place to tell the world who you are and what you have to offer—not just as a business owner, but as a person.
When people land on your website and want to know more about you, they go to your “About” page. But when they really want to get a sense of WHO you are, they go to your “Blog” page.
With a creative, well-written blog, you offer potential and existing clients the opportunity to engage with you outside of the studio. It’s an invitation for people to learn more about you: your likes and dislikes, your values, your beliefs, your skills, your hobbies, and your passions.
But… with all that being said, writing can be hard!
Do you struggle with blogging? Does it feel like a daunting task? Is it hard to come up with things to write about?
These are all valid and common concerns. But put your mind at ease and fret no more! I am here to tell you that there are several ways you can easily create (yes, I said easily) great blog posts.
It’s all about developing skills.
We can all learn to be good writers with the right skill set. Let’s take a look at some of those skills and how we can develop them.
We all have moments of great ideas. Mine usually hit me at the most inopportune time: mowing the lawn, watching a movie, teaching a private session, or in the middle of shearing sheep (yes, I have a farm, and the sheep get hot.)
Oftentimes, those ideas just need to get out of our heads and onto the page. While the mantra of “Just write!” is a common and sometimes beneficial prompt, more so than not, it makes sense to put a reasonable amount of time into thinking about what you want to write before you grab that pen.
When you come up with an excellent idea for a blog post, write it down! Then, take some time to think about it. Think about the points you want to make and the message you want to relate to your readers.
The more clearly you understand your post, the better it will be.
By mulling over your thoughts and taking the time to refine your ideas, it helps you focus on your message. And a clear message is one of the elements that will make your blog post stand out.
Know Your Audience
If you’re a studio owner or an instructor, you already know who your audience is: People interested in Pilates. But you can go a step further and narrow that group down.
- Are they people already doing Pilates?
- Are they people who have always wanted to try Pilates but don’t know where to start?
- Are they working moms on a tight schedule?
- Are they seniors looking for a way to develop more balance?
- Or are they Pilates fans looking to be inspired?
For each blog post you write, take the time to narrow down the target audience.
For instance, my target audience for this article was “Pilates studio owners and independent instructors who want to write better blog posts.” Will others read it too? Probably. Hopefully! 🙂
Focusing on a target audience will help you narrow down the scope of the blog post and make it easier for you to write.
Write in Your Own Voice
This sounds silly, I know. Of course, you’ll write in your own voice… who else’s voice would you write in? Aunt Susie’s? And if you did, it wouldn’t really matter because people don’t even know your Aunt Susie!
What I actually mean by writing in your own voice is to try to sound the same as when you speak. Write as if you are having a conversation with the person reading your post.
Let’s say you want to post about the importance of the proper breath pattern in the Hundred. Imagine you are sitting down for a coffee with a friend who knows nothing about Pilates, and you are going to explain to her the Hundred and how to breathe while doing it.
Have that conversation in your head (or actually while having coffee with your friend), and then write it down. That is what it sounds like to write in your own voice.
Writing in your own voice is more genuine, more honest, and it will help you create a better post.
Use Everyday Words
Some writers who are uncomfortable writing will try to sound “better” by using big or uncommon words. If you wouldn’t use tendentious in your everyday conversations, then don’t use it in your writing.
Simpler, common words that get your point across, are better for the audience. Even Hemmingway said so. (“He thinks I don’t know the ten-dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use.”)
This is especially true for Pilates teachers. We know a lot of technical information regarding the human body and movement. But our readers might not. This is where it’s important to make sure we’re including them in the conversation and not alienating them by throwing out terms they might not understand.
Complex words that make a reader have to stop and question “What does that mean?” interrupt their flow, and you run the risk of them casting your post aside for something more enjoyable.
Keep your writing clean and simple.
When in doubt, choose plain and relaxed over frilly and fancy.
Vary Your Topics
Write about things you enjoy! Just because you own a Pilates studio doesn’t mean all of your posts have to be about Pilates.
It’s nice to include personal stories about yourself in your blog. Readers want to know what you do in your off time—your hobbies, your adventures.
Writing about experiences you’ve had or beliefs you hold dear brings you closer to the people you help. They see you as a real person, not just a whip-wielding dominatrix commanding a perfect Roll Up.
When you vary the topics of your blog posts, you create interesting content and interesting content is BETTER content.
All the tips I’ve given can help you become a better writer and create blog posts that people want to read.
Having a blog page that people want to read drives traffic to your website and keeps you relevant in the eyes of Google.
Sharing information about what you or your studio offers, engaging with your audience, and showing off your personality can all be accomplished with great blog posts.
You have the skills. Now go do it.
xo – Patti Jo
About the Author
Patti Jo is both a certified Pilates instructor and Copyeditor wholly committed to improving physical movement and written words.
As a professional dancer, accomplished equestrian, successful business owner, and passionate writer/editor, Patti Jo brings an impressive list of skills and keen eye for detail into the world of Pilates, through both the Practice and the Prose.
With knowledge, creativity and experience, Patti Jo helps you transition your thoughts into words—words that provide a clear, strong, engaging message for your audience.
If you have questions about Copyediting or would love help writing blog posts for your business, she can be reached at: [email protected]