If you could wish for any ONE thing for yourself (yes, be selfish) in life, what would that be?
I am not talking about world peace and health for everyone.
I am talking about something that would make YOUR life easier, more fulfilling, happier etc.
What would you choose?
I’ll share my wish : TIME. I have a habit of reflecting upon the closing year in December. By most part I am always grateful for everything that has happened or what I was able to accomplish. BUT at the same time I feel sad that the time is flying by so fast. It seems that I blinked and the entire year flew by. I remember vividly writing my plans and goals for the year as if it were just last week… Some of those plans and goals were accomplished during my “blink” while others were left behind (for the next year, perhaps.)
One things that many people (including me) struggle with a lot is finding TIME for regular exercise. Everybody knows about the importance of exercise for our health (after all, it’s the top New Year resolution year after year) but few of us put Exercise (Pilates or not) at the top of our priority lists. I agree, finding a full hour to exercise 3-5 times a week is impossible for most people.
During the holidays even finding 10 minutes for ourselves can seem like a huge accomplishment as we are running between Christmas parties, family get-togethers and last-minute shopping (if you still have a few people on your list check out the Pilates gift guide.)
But what will happen if we replace the QUANTITY of time spent exercising with the QUALITY of time exercising? You will be able to accomplish one of your health goals AND still have time for other things in your life. That’s the exact idea behind a Pilates workout that I want to share with you today.
Last week I asked Pilates teachers: If you could do only ONE Pilates mat exercise every day for a full year, what exercise would you choose?
From all of the answers 9 exercises stood out the most and these are the ones that I included in this workout.
- You can complete the entire workout under 10 minutes
- Only 9 exercise to work your entire body
- You will strengthen your core
- You will work on flexibility AND strength for your back muscles
- You don’t need any props
- You can do this Pilates workout anywhere
I have prepared 2 versions of this workout for you.
Version 1 is 20 minutes long, has detailed instructions and some modifications, has slower pace so that you can learn the exercises as well as the transitions.
Version 2 is 9 minutes long and guides you through the workout that you have already learned in Version 1 with minimal instruction, short cues and focus on flow.
Exercises featured in the workout:
- The Hundred – “This one exercise does such a great job at warming up and waking up the whole body up for anything to follow.” Laurie N.
“So many variations to chose from playing with leg position, breath, rhythm, props, etc.” Kristen M. - Rollover – “The spinal articulation and the core control, a go to for me after a day in the office.” Claire H.
- Double Leg Stretch – “Because every exercise comes out of double leg stretch!” Monica H.
- Saw – working on the oppositional stretch in multiple planes
- Teaser – “It always puts me in my place! Just when I think I am strong and masterful I can always improve my technique and lift. Makes my pilates practice a lifelong learning that i can always improve upon.” Rachel H.
- Swimming – lengthen and strengthen the back
- Pushups/Front Support – “Makes me feel really strong” – Anastasiya
- Boomerang – “It’s so many exercises in one” Angelica P.
- The Seal – “The spinal massage always feels good and the “playfulness” of the exercise always reminds me to enjoy life!” Laure L.H.
Outfit: Nostalgic Prints Christmas Leggings , Shashi Star Socks
Music credit: https://www.bensound.com
Pilates Giveaway and Free Video Challenge
This video is part of the Pilates Holiday Video Challenge and Giveaway. Don’t miss your chance to win a gift basket full of Pilates goodies and sign up to receive more Pilates videos in your inbox.
The winner will be announced on December 16th.
STEP 1. Enter your name and email above to receive FREE Pilates videos and be notified if you win
STEP 2. Comment below using your Facebook account by answering the question: If you could wish for any ONE thing for yourself (yes, be selfish) in life, what would that be? Check “Also post on Facebook” to share your comment and the giveaway.
STEP 2. Share. If you loved this video please share it with your friends (FB, Twitter, email) and I’ll keep posting more free Pilates videos in 2018!
Answer the question: If you could wish for any ONE thing for yourself (yes, be selfish) in life, what would that be?
Check “Also post on Facebook” to share your comment and the giveaway.
a huge thanks for sharing a common dilemma with not enough time for self practice x
I am wishing you more time in the new year 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the workout!
The Pilates workouts I have kept from my 2013 emails until now, have given me a sense of what I really wish for now. As I get older, I wish that I continue to find strength, to continue to work on my core and watch what I put in my body. I am so happy to be following your Pilates routines in 2017.
Thank you so much Mary for your kind words! I am glad that you are enjoying the workouts that I share. My goal for 2018 is to be filming more workouts so if you have any ideas of what you would like to see please comment or send me an email at [email protected]
I have been teaching mat Pilates for many years but now that I am older my back aches a lot . Any suggestions.
Hi Peggy,
Are any particular exercises causing back pain or does your back ache during your normal daily activities?