are you swimsuit-ready?
Summer is here! Are you ready to pull out your bathing suit and head to the nearest swimming pool or pack your suitcase for a paradise getaway?
Of course, you spent the last couple of months getting ready for this season, right?
Oh, you haven’t?
To tell you the truth, I haven’t either. Between selling the house, buying a house, moving and keeping up with 4 kids my “Get-ready-for-the-summer” Pilates program ended up on such a distant back-burner that I couldn’t even see a switch to turn it on!
It doesn’t really matter why you or I didn’t have time to get ready for summer. Life happens and dwelling in the past as well as looking for excuses is not going to change anything. In fact, stressing yourself out about fitting into a tiny piece of fabric is not what life is all about. There are a lot of important events in life (going to your kids’ graduation, enjoying a family movie night, completing fulfilling projects at work to name a few) that bring much more satisfaction all year round than perfect washboard abs or cellulite-free thighs in a bikini. There is nothing wrong though with trying to FEEL your best in a bikini (or a dress, a pair of shorts or even your favorite lounge wear.)
Pilates has helped me to get in shape fast plenty of times. After all, Pilates was the magic method that put me back in shape after two twin pregnancies. What could be a better proof of the efficacy of the Method than that?
I invite you to join my Bikini Body Rescue Program. I’ll spend the next 3 weeks (yes, you heard me right, just 3 weeks!) working hard to look and FEEL ready for the swim season. And I can take you along for the ride absolutely FREE.
Here is what Bikini Body Rescue (BBR) Program is all about
- It is about getting in shape fast while honoring your body and letting it enjoy this journey.
- BBR is about making balanced choices that let you make Pilates and active lifestyle integral parts of your everyday life. It is not about forgetting about your family or sacrificing your free time to the endless hours of boring workouts.
- BBR is 3 weeks long.
- Every week I will post three 20-30 minute Pilates workouts to work your entire body. I will also create a workout schedule to follow.
- You will download a workout schedule to stay on track during these 3 weeks.
- You will receive nutrition, workout and motivational tips in your email.
What BBR is NOT:
- BBR is not a weight loss program. You will lose inches around your waist and thighs due to the increased tone of the muscles and you might drop 5-10 lbs. However, don’t expect any major weight loss in 3 weeks (it is not possible and it is not healthy.)
- BBR is not an advanced fitness program. The program is designed to be challenging for all fitness levels and the intensity of it increases every week. However, if you consider yourself an advanced Pilates student then you probably don’t need this program anyway because you are already in great shape. Cheers to you!
- BBR is not boring but it requires your active participation, listening to the cues and following the tips.
- BBR has nutrition tips but it is not a nutritional weight loss program created by a dietician. Please use common sense and listen to your body when trying anything new.
5 Steps to to Join Bikini Body Rescue:
- Be sure that you are on the PilatesBridge email list.
- Follow PilatesBridge on facebook and share Bikini Body Rescue on your FB wall (to keep better track of all the tips as well as to follow our discussions.)
- Share this program with your friends. The more people join the program the merrier it is going to be!
- Comment below to say what results YOU would like to see after Bikini Body Rescue Program.
- Start today by doing Connect to the Core Pilates workout to refresh Pilates basics in your mind and to get ready for some serious Pilates next week.
Bikini Body Rescue starts Saturday June 7th so mark this day on your calendar! I’ll see you then with the first workout.
Hi Anastasiya, how do I join this session? After entering my e-mail address above and clicking on the ‘Join Bikini Body Rescue’ button, it takes me to the next page saying I am already registered on the Pilates Bridge mailing list. If I am on that list, do I not need to specifically sign up for this? Thanks, Anjali
I’m looking forward to toning up! I just finished the Balanced Life pilates challenge so I’m really excited that you are doing a Bikini Body rescue so I can continue my practice! Can’t wait to start!
I’m looking to tone my body and start a new adventure in Pilates !