Ever since I was a little girl I always had a tradition of a thorough clean-out before the end of the year. I would empty out all of the drawers, go through all of my papers (and I had a LOT of them because I was growing up in the stone age without PCs) and […]
View PostPilates and Wellness Gift Guide 2016

Gift-giving is a creative process that requires a lot of inspiration and work. Instead of spending your pre-Christmas days running around over-crowded stores check out this Healthy Living Pilates and Wellness Gift Guide to find a perfect gift for *almost* everybody on your list. Whether you are looking for fun gifts for your Pilates students, […]
View PostPilates vs Yoga. Which One Should You Choose?

“Pilates is just like Yoga, isn’t it?” Pilates teachers have heard this question a hundred times, and people new to Pilates have been itching to find the answer. Most people believe that Yoga is just stretching and Pilates is a celebrity ab workout. Well, there is way more to both of these methods than these […]
View PostIs Pilates the New Botox?

by Devra Swiger A client of mine who in her early 60s told me that on an international flight she had to use the restroom. The man next to her appeared to be sound asleep so she carefully lifted her 5’9 frame and climbed over him. He opened his eyes and said ‘Gee, how old […]
View PostHow Simple Health Advice Will Help You Grow Your Pilates Business

Why are you doing Pilates? As a teacher you might be struggling to limit your answer to just one sentence. As a student you probably want to move better, look better or feel better. Pilates is just one of the tools in the “healthy lifestyle” treasure box, it’s note a cure-all magic method that will […]
View Post9 Undeniable Benefits of Adding Trigger Point Release to Your Pilates Practice

My back has been a constant source of pain for me since high school. Despite visits to the chiropractor, physical therapy and regular exercise I could not find a lasting relief. One day I finally stumbled upon the life-changing form of exercise – Pilates. I learned how to properly strengthen my core and improve my […]
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