The most challenging thing about getting started on Periscope is well, getting started!
Notoriously Pilates instructors are gun shy about the social media world and while we have no issue making a 200 pound man do a pull up on the Wunda chair, we abhor putting ourselves on the inter webs. Just like making sure you get your own Pilates workout in, showing up is the biggest part of the battle. Just show up for Periscope, see if you like it, and then follow along for more tips from me on how your scopes can translate into real hard revenue. The first step though is showing up. The rest is as easy as a basic mat workout:
The Pre-Pilates
Before a client is ready to lift their head off the mat and get to some real work we Pilates teachers often give them some prep work. Same goes for getting ready for your first scope. Make sure you read my first post, What the Heck is Periscope and Why You Should Be Using it.
You’ll get the low-down on how to download the app, set up your account, and start becoming part of the Periscope clique. The only thing left to is to decide what you want to scope about.
Pick something you know about inside and out that you can riff about. Think about who your ideal client is when picking topics.
Are you looking to score more Pilates clients? A scope about why people need Pilates would be fantastic.
Prepare 3-5 tips to share and write them down so you can refer to them while you broadcast.
The Hundred
Remember the first time you did your one hundred? I don’t…but what I DO remember is what I learned after doing it for like the thousand time. The more I did it, the better I got at it. Same goes for Periscope. To broadcast simply open your app, click the circle icon and the broadcast screen will pop up. Pick a catchy title and type it where you read, What are you seeing now? field. If we stick with our ideal client from above a title could be: 3 reasons you need to be doing #Pilates right now!
Remember that Periscope is Twitter’s offspring so hashtags work well for attracting your target viewers. Once you got your title get ready to broadcast.
The Roll-up
The ex-actress that I am naturally I spent time worrying what I would look like on camera, that was until I realized that what people want here is realism. Look, just make sure you don’t have kale in your teeth, slap on some lipgloss before you press broadcast and you’re good to go.
No need to get a blow out for this, people. The ‘realer’ the better. Lots of scorers use tripods, which you can score on Amazon for a song, but you can even just prop your phone up between a couple random objects on your desk. Holding your camera upright becomes a little tedious even with bad ass Pilates instructor biceps, so plan ahead, and find a way to put your phone down if you wish. Because the camera on your phone will start facing away from you when you first broadcast, pick something interesting, like a picture of Joe or your logo to focus the camera on. When you’re ready for your close up double click the screen and voila! There, you are live!
Single Leg Circles
Very soon after you start you’ll see people coming into your broadcast. I don’t know where they come from or how they get there but they will show up even if it’s just one or two (which is ideal for your first run). Take a second to introduce yourself- your name, your business name, and what you do. As you see people joining the feed make sure to greet them and ask them for their name and maybe where they are scoping from. You’ll need to repeat your intro a few times as people file in but don’t spend too much time greeting or talking about yourself because it’s time to get to your content….
Rolling Like a Ball
Repeat your title and let your audience know what you are gonna deliver, then dive in. As you talk people will be commenting, and here’s the challenging part of Periscope, you should be acknowledging them as they do.
At first the multi-tasking of staying on topic will feel a little crazy making, but so was your very first multi-level reformer class right? Things may distract you a bit at first but over time you’ll get the hang of it. This is why you’ve got your handy dandy list of tips right next to you to refer to if you get off track. Deliver the content at a comfortable pace answering questions, and acknowledge scopers as you go.
The Ab Series
As you talk you’ll be seeing hearts floating on the screen and if you don’t see any, ask your peeps to give the hearts up! I often say something like, “if you like what I’m saying give me some hearts!!!”. To boost your viewers ask those watching your scope to share with their followers. If they do, you’ll see it come up on the screen. Make sure to thank anyone who shares or comments, Periscope is THE place to be gracious.
Spine Stretch Forward
After you’ve delivered your tips or tricks get ready to sign off. Repeat again who you are and that you’ll be delivering more goodness like you just did often so the peeps following along should definitely follow you (also a good practice to mention you follow back:). Then when you’re ready to shut it down pull down on the screen and then click Stop broadcast. Once you finish celebrate with a glass of champs Romana style because you did it and it’s gosh darn it it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!
Want more good stuff like this? Stay tuned for the rest of my Periscope series here on Pilates Bridge OR make sure to follow me on Periscope @lindsaylopez_ and make sure to give up the hearts!
Join Lindsay in her New York Studio or Online for a Pilates Business Social – The Influence of Visibility (click here).
Featuring Kristin McGee – a Pilates and Yoga instructor to the stars. A former actress, Kristin knows a thing or two about being in the spotlight and has used her charisma to catapult her and her brand to VIP status.
Lindsay Lopez is a dynamic force of nature. Years in tutus and tights paid off with wild success as a dancer and actress. Years in the “biz” taught her that dreams can come true, with plenty of planning and TONS of action to back them up. After what had become ten years in the Pilates industry her devotion shifted from the bodies in front of her to the teachers educating next to her instead. Although Lindsay teachers less and less, she is breathing new life into a stale industry. Her wish is to provide her peers with the business training they so desperately need. As a positive coach and gutsy mentor, Lindsay Lopez is changing Pilates business for the better at