Please raise your hand if you could do better at staying consistent with the exercise.
Finding time to exercise is not easy. I am saying it as a working mom, a Pilates teacher, and as a person who loves to stay active.
The other day I was talking to one of my friends who is trying to establish an exercise habit.
“How do you prioritize your time to exercise?” my friend asked.
Let’s make things straight right away. My friend is already on a great path to success because she understands that it’s not the time that she lacks for exercise, it’s the priority.
We all find time to eat (or at least grab something on the go even if it’s not the healthiest thing.)
We find time to take a shower.
We find time to brush our teeth.
We find time to get our work done.
But exercise does not usually fall on the high priority list. Our life does not depend on it. However, we can change the priority level of exercise in our life if we tie it to an important goal. Make a list of reasons why you want to exercise. Don’t be vague and obscure, things like “feel better”, “because it is good for me” don’t count as personal goals. Here are the examples that I use to stay on track myself:
- prevent lower and upper back pain that I get after working behind the computer for too long
- be a healthy and fit example for my daughters
- still fit into my favorite jeans
- age gracefully – I work with amazing women well into their 70s who do not look or act a day after 50. Their commitment to Pilates and consistency are a great motivation to me.
- get comments “I can’t believe that you have two sets of twins!” instead of “When are you due?” After my pregnancies I developed a really bad Diastasis Recti and only through consistent Pilates practice I was able to regain my abdominal muscle control and functionality. If I don’t practice I lose muscle tone.
Now it’s your turn. Make a list of reasons why exercise is a priority to you right now. And I have just the right workout that you can complete in under 30 min with no props and a minimum amount of space. No excuses.
Join me for a quick 30-min intermediate level Pilates mat workout that will focus on strengthening the abdominal wall and the back muscles.
Leave a comment below sharing your personal reasons why exercising is a priority to you.